Wednesday, March 21, 2012

A Chemical Pregnancy?

I'm so glad I switched doctors. I don't think my old OB/GYN would have cared to figure out why I miscarried.  In fact, last fall I got a positive home pregnancy test (HPT), but it was a Dollar Store cheapie, the kind with the two lines that make the plus sign... When I took it, the 2nd line was really faint - but my period was 3 days late and my boobs had gotten huge overnight and I was an emotional wreck - none of which are typical period symptoms for me. A couple of days later, I took a digital test and it said NOT PREGNANT. I was so confused. I just knew I was and now it said I wasn't. I looked on the Internet and thought maybe I'd had what's called a "chemical pregnancy" where the fertilized egg never latches on to the uterine wall and just flushes out so it appears to just be a late, heavy period.

I called my old Dr's office and the nurse told me she just thought my period was late and it was no big deal.  I cried on the phone with her.  I never cry.  Ever.  I told her that maybe I wasn't and that was fine, but something was wrong with me, that it wasn't normal for me to act or my body to act this way.  She said fine, come in for a HCG test.  That's all she checked - nothing else - who cares if my hormones are out of whack I guess.  When she called with the results, she actually said, "I was right, you're not pregnant."  I was floored.  I demanded to know the number and she said my HCG was 2. It was interesting to me that it wasn't 0. But any number under 5 is considered not pregnant.  Yet still, why was it 2?

When I changed doctors, the new doctor (based on what I just said) agreed with me and said that I probably had had a chemical pregnancy.  So now when she talks to me, she refers to my miscarriage as my 2nd miscarriage, which is really weird to hear.

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